St. John's is actively involved in the Niagara Deanery Council, which consists of delegates elected to represent each parish in Niagara County at the annual Diocesan Convention. The delegates meet four to five times a year to attend to the business of the Deanery. The October meeting is an informational meeting chaired by the Dean to prepare delegates for the Diocesan Convention.
The eight Episcopal congregations in Niagara County have joined in partnership to share resources with each other, with community agencies, and with our communities. We now have a new brochure that lists resources and community ministries of this Niagara Episcopal Partnership and some of the agencies and organizations with whom we partner.
The brochure accomplishes several purposes: It is a vehicle that allows our individual parishes to be aware of the offerings of the others in our area; it will better equip us to offer physical support when appropriate and prayer support at all times; it will give agencies, organizations and individuals a more “concrete” connection with the Episcopal churches by providing information on hand for quick and easy reference; it will be used as a resource to direct those in need of a service or who wish to donate time or goods to a particular ministry. By educating ourselves, local organizations, and individuals, this brochure will make the Web of Grace more visible and more expansive because opportunities to inspire hope, create, maintain and grow relationships will be more readily accessible. As we seek and serve, we may discover new opportunities to build up our partnerships.
The churches in the Niagara Episcopal Partnership hope that this brochure will make it possible for us to connect more easily as we work to promote and ensure justice and dignity for all.